
Elhain raid shadow legends masteries
Elhain raid shadow legends masteries

She used her talents and her keen eye to scout ahead of the Company, rooting out many a threat before it could endanger her allies and felled many foes with breathtakingly accurate shots. Along the way, Elhain had proven worthy of the esteemed company she found herself in – with Princess Lyssandra of Aravia and the Mountain King of the Dwarves at her side it was a difficult challenge indeed! – through deed and word. He recruited the young Elven warrior into his own band of Champions that was bound for the Winterlands. When Sir Nicholas arrived from the North bearing troubling news and seeking aid, it was Elhain who volunteered to assist him – the decision that Sir Nicholas himself had foreseen in his vision. But the oath she had sworn kept Elhain bound to her duty, and onwards she forged with these colourful allies at her side. Recruited into the Arbiter’s service first, she found herself banded together with a most unlikely company – Athel, a Paladin of the Sacred Order an outcast dark mage Kael, who sought refuge from powerful rivals and an Orc warrior Galek, whose savagery and brutishness she always found disdainful. Yet, for all that self-righteousness, Elhain did genuinely believe in the precepts of Lumaya and sought to eradicate evil wherever it could be found.

elhain raid shadow legends masteries

She was proud and determined, perfecting her skill with the bow from an early age and seeking to test herself against the most daunting challenges.

elhain raid shadow legends masteries elhain raid shadow legends masteries

A noble of Aravia, daughter of a proud Elven bloodline, she inherited much of the arrogance and condescending sense of superiority the High Elves are infamous for. Elhain had never been an easy ally to bond with.

Elhain raid shadow legends masteries